

Configuring Systems With ChatGPT, Python, and Go

I recently wrote a blog about generating Terraform with ChatGPT. In that experiment, I was using GPT-3.5. It didn’t take much to trip up the galactic AI in many of the experiments I did with Terraform and beyond. According to OpenAI GPT-4 soars past its predecessor in its advanced reasoning capabilities. Let’s use this model to build code in Python and Go. How will the super titan fair in the Sysadmin arena?

Can ChatGPT Terraform Simple Networking In AWS?

Usually, when it comes to technology, my grandmother doesn’t know much because she doesn’t care. What is the cloud? How to install a new browser on her laptop? What is 2FA? I might be speaking French to her as I discuss these things. Yet, she knows what ChatGPT is. This shows the vast amount of publicity, hype, and polarization that has ensued since November 2022. I tend to avoid AI fear-mongering and focus more on, how could a tool like this help enhance my daily grind?

Evolution of AWS Site-to-Site VPN - Part 2

In Part 1, we talked about the origins of the Site-to-Site VPN Service in AWS. As consumers began to scale in the early days, they faced tunnel sprawl, performance constraints, and the need for a simplified design. AWS responded with Transit Gateway. How did Transit Gateway simplify architecture leading to smoother operations, better network performance, and a scalable blueprint for the future network? Intro Pre Transit GatewaySecurity teams in the early days would often balk at the idea of using VPC peering without having a centralized transit hub (where the hybrid connectivity was landed).

Looking Back At 2022

At the end of each year, I take some time for self-reflection. Looking back through 2022 gave me a colossal reminder of how vital teams, communities, and leaders are. Take hockey for instance. You have certain athletes, often referred to as generational players that carry unmatched individual talent and get selected first overall in the NHL Draft. These players are weekly highlight reels, yet, without the right system, coaches, and team, they will never lift the Stanley Cup.

AWS re:Invent 2022 - Recap

As far as tech conferences are concerned, it’s hard to find one as exciting as AWS re:Invent. Whether it’s anticipation for new product announcements or connecting in person with the community, there is something electrifying about being at ground zero. And if you can make the trip, you will get a lot of great exercise too! I hit close to 100K steps or approx. 43 miles according to my Fitbit. What were some of my favorite highlights from re:Invent 2022?

Evolution of AWS Site-to-Site VPN - Part 1

The necessity for protocols to keep communication secure has been around since the dawn of the internet. The first ever VPN was jointly developed by a vendor consortium (which included Microsoft) in 1996, and came in the form of Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol. Although many are skeptical about the value of VPNs in 2022 and beyond, customer consumption of cloud provider VPN services have paved the way for additional features and exponential scale.